What Makes Science Research Get Translated into News? A Survey

Why does one scientific study make it into the news, and another not? Why does one scientific press release catch a journalist's eye, and another not? This is a question I am trying to answer with one of my PhD projects in science communication at Louisiana State University. For this project, I have created a survey that aims to answer questions related to how science research and press releases are translated into science news.

If you are a journalist, blogger, freelance writer, magazine writer, TV producer, radio announcer, podcast producer, or anything in between, I'm asking you to participate in this study. By participating in this survey, which only takes 15 minutes to complete, you are helping communication researchers like me understand how and why science makes its way from research publication to news story.

To participate, simply copy and paste the following URL into a new browser window:


Thank you for your participation! Please share the survey via social media or e-mail to friends and colleagues as well!

UPDATE: Every 100th participant in this survey can now win a free $20 Starbucks gift card.

Any questions? Contact me at pbrow11[at]tigers.lsu.edu.